Help me support kids in need
It is with great pride and anticipation that I let you all know that I will be looking to undertake and complete the Chain Reaction Challenge 2023 ride in New Zealand starting on 26 February for Team FTI Consulting.
We will attempt to complete the 1000km+ and 12,000m+ vertical (1.3x Mt Everest) ride in 7 days on the bike starting in Christchurch and finishing in Queenstown. The ride will include climbing Arthurs Pass, Cardrona and Coronet Peak.
Since 2007, the Chain Reaction Foundation has supported over 70 children’s charities in 15 years. The two children’s charities supported this year are BaptistCare HOPESTREET and So They Can. The NSW Chain Reaction ride hopes to raise $1,000,000 and I am setting my fund raising target at $10,000. Further details on the charities are provided below, but needless to say, as a father of two beautiful girls I cannot simply fathom my girls being subjected to forced reproduction, mutilation and teenage marriage which So They Can aims to prevent. Also myself as a Director of an Australia youth charity, supporting other Australian charities, like BaptistCare HOPESTREET fighting poverty for kids in our own backyard is extremely important to me.
I would be grateful if you could help me make a difference and donate to my fundraising page
So They Can was founded in 2010 to address the need for education following post-election violence in Kenya. Working with local governments and communities So They Can provides quality education to children living in poverty in Africa. It is accredited by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (1 of just 58 International NGOs). They partner with 47 governments schools in 3 regions of Kenya and Tanzania supporting over 45,000 students, families and community members. There is a particular focus on women and young girls looking to escape female genital cutting, sexual abuse and early marriage.
BaptistCare HOPESTREET connects with children and their families who are trying to overcome personal trials , providing a much needed safe space for children aged 10-17 to go to. Kids meet positive role models, and develop relationships and receive support to achieve their educational and personal goals.
Thank you in advance for your support. It is greatly appreciated.
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