My Recent Sponsors

Pratik Doshi
Cheering you on for an amazing ride and a great cause! Wishing you all the best for the challenge.

Benoit Nachtergaele
Happy Birthday - 40 year Belgian Birthday party


Maurice Zicman
Amazing undertaking for a very worthy cause. Massive kudos Cindy

Olivier Petitpierre
Ride, Cindy, ride! Show the world what you are capable of.

Tamsin Daly
Wishing you and the team all the best for this great cause - genesys

Wishing you the best of luck on your 7-day cycling journey! It’s a wonderful cause, and your dedication is truly inspiring.

John Neven
Good Luck and congratulations for this great initiative !

Claude Petitpierre
Bravo pour le challenge! Nous suivrons attentivement tout le parcours

En avant! notre Belge préférée ! You got this, physically and mentally ! Profites de chaque moment !