My Updates

Proud to be making a difference
Yesterday, there was an incident at my daughter's school that required classrooms to be locked down.The incident involved a student with autism.
We talked on the car ride home about how hard that day must have been for the student, the student's parents, and the teachers involved.
I was really proud to include in that conversation that all the riding that Dad has been doing lately is to raise money for AEIOU, which helps students like the one at her school.
Thank you for helping me make a difference. You'll feel proud too.

We'll make a brighter day
Fairness. It's one of the values I live by, personally and professionally.The kids that AEIOU and Traction help aren't as lucky as me. They face challenges that I never had to. That's not fair.
That is why I am riding in Chain Reaction, and asking that you give what you can to help kids who really need it.
Together, we can make a brighter day.