Help me support kids in need

Thank You To My Donors

Bic Consolidated - Tony Gorgovski


Peter Hurley

All the best Harvs


Rob & Luke - Broadlex

All the best Andrew - great job!


Mann Young

AWESOME and bloody Inspiring once again Harvs! GO FOR IT!!!!


Mike George

Always a pleasure mate to support your commitment and efforts. Donating bets peddling big time!


Michael Parshall

Go well Harves.


Leon Wurfel

Great work Andrew!


Antony Ceravolo

Great effort, Andrew. Hope all is well.



Go well young man - 10 times a champion


Richard Lennox

All the best Andy.


Keith Burns

Go Harves. Looks like a great tour. Enjoy!



May you be flooded with Hobbit-style hospitality as your travel The Shire. Don't miss out on Elevenses each day, a crucial meal to get you from second breakfast to lunch.


Craig Cashman

Good luck!!!!!


Justin Punch

Go Harves!


Torty Howard

Love your work! The FOMO is real!!


Ausmaid Pty Ltd

Enjoy the ride Harves.


Jane Hamilton

Well done Harves. Best of luck for this next challenge


Jennie B

Go Haves have a great ride all the best and have fun :)


Stephen Newey

Go Harves great cause


Hugh Ealey

Usual request: no front on photos of you in your lycra please Harves


Nicholas Tuckfield


Kris & Angel Ioannou

Keep up the great efforts Andrew!


Paul Kilbane

Inspirational stuff mate and all for great causes! One day I will join you :-)


Lynda Griffin

Hope you have fun whilst raising funds for a worthy cause!
