Help me make every km count!

This challenge represents more than just kilometers and pedaling uphill - it's about enabling a safe space for families to heal and rebuild their lives. Your generous donation will directly support these families on their journey to safety and stability.

Thank You To My Donors

North Richmond Construction

Good Luck James. Great Cause!


James Marsden


Kate And James

Make every km count!!



Best of Luck James!!!



Ride tempo, James


Taylor Brammer Landscape Architects

Good luck, great cause


Wms Engineering

Go get em James!!


Greg Dombkins

Proud of you James


Marsdens Law Group


Grainne Marsden

Good luck!



Ride safe James



We are right behind you!



Good on ya, Mate


Mark Sabry

Great cause good luck James


David W

An excellent cause, love it. Thanks for championing this again James.


Northrop Consulting Engineers

From the team at Northrop, we’re cheering you on and proud to support this great cause. Good luck and enjoy the ride!


Andrew Tompson


Chris & Kate Kline

Go Mars! Makes a 60 k jog look like a walk in the park!


Gray Puksand

Best of Luck James from Everyone at Gray Puksand.


Angus & Ali

Great work James! Good Luck!!


Michael Taylor

Nice work James - enjoy



Outstanding goal. Enjoy the ride, the destination is just a bonus


Andrew Neill

Love you work James! Happy riding :)


Jess D

Good luck James! Enjoy the pedalling.


Conor Nix

Good luck James! Conor and Emma


Mike, Sav, And Baby Herrmann

Got get 'em, James!


Danielle Lechem

Go James!!! Good luck


Reginald Young


Dori Petrides

Goodluck James. What a great cause



Love your work JM


Kevin Brennan

Good luck James. Pump those legs!


John Adam


Mardi Christian

Good luck James!



Good luck James & Kate!


Marina Passaris

Great initiative and good luck!


Gemma Wilson

What an amazing physical achievement and what a cause! This is inspiring, go well James!



I love that you spend a holiday with your second wife - your bike! I hope that there are some special treats at the end of each day to reward your (and maybe the bike) for coping with the sweaty seat!



Good luck James!!



Great cause Jimbo


Barry Bloch

Well done James!


Jo Maslem

Great cause, good luck!


