After we all slept like babies we were all back together for brekkie at 630am sharp. Team photos in our team kits were taken from 715am and rider briefing was underway, and we departed Twin Waters 730-745am (ish) with much anticipation and a few nerves on board of our longest ride together in the rain happening today.
My Garmin recorded a respectable135kms and for many this was their longest ride ever in the saddle, congratulations to you all. And given the 3 days of rain on rain 135kms probably felt like 200kms.
Tim Chadd fondly renamed #FatherChadd spurred us all along in a team briefing the night prior, announcing that due to forecasted weather conditions there would be no stops 0-62kms so eat and drink appropriately at breakfast to see you through. This caused our gorgeous in-house Dietitian Sally Anderson to talk about sensible eating and drinking prior and on the bike to see us through. A female rider who will rename nameless suggested if our teeth were chattering just to “wee on the bike 'like a pro' since we are all soaked anyway." Poor Sally didn’t really have a ready nutritionally focussed answer for that. LOL.

Once we departed Twin Waters, we took a quick tour through Mooloolaba, where from a distance we could smell some cafés searing bacon, while their customers sipped their double shot lattes looked at us in disbelief. We passed a large contingent of locals walking in the rain, building awareness for Mental Health. The Chain Reaction ladies and these walkers equally cheered each other on which was lovely to be a part of.
To avoid the traffic, we detoured through the Glass House Mountains and rode to the top of the lookout to enjoy the view through the rock formations to our final destination in Brisbane. A couple of “pinches” (AKA steep cliffs) to get to this look out, all ladies dug deep with some great team work and words of encouragement coming from everyone. Clean toilets and a hearty spread of early lunch filled our tummys and we were away laughing and smiling again with a few decent tunes being echoed throughout the peloton that matched Kirsty’s 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2… training cadence.

Last stop was in the show grounds of Pine Rivers. More food and hydration and a comfort stop and then we were rolling, rolling, rolling into Victoria Park. A Police escort caught up to us near Royal Brisbane Hospital and helped us navigate a few sets of lights.
Victoria Park Golf Course was a welcome sight. We were all made to feel like absolute rock stars by our various supporters, friends and family that were waiting patiently in the rain for us all to roll over the finish line.
The team from Chain Reaction ensured drinks were flowing and some warm food was at the ready. A heartfelt speech from CEO John Ward to all the riders and their home and work network helping to make this 3 day tour a success. Last count we had raised $420,000 & keen to smash last year’s achievement of $427,000.
Being a return rider where the weather gods were on our side in 2017 I have to make a special mention to the entire Chain Reaction corporate team, QLD CR committee their volunteers and entire crew for making this ride safe, although wet but bloody fantastic. The collaboration that was shown amongst the entire group was second to none.
It was wonderful to have two interstate riders, Adriana Bainbridge and Jessica Edwards from Sunny Victoria, join us this year. Sorry we couldn’t turn the weather on for you ladies and I have no doubt you both got sick of being asked “did you bring this weather with you.” It was great getting to know you both on and off the bike.
Congratulations to all involved.
Blog written by 2 time rider Michelle Gray